Thursday, August 20, 2009

Back & in Business

I'm back in school & hopefully there's a more timely posting schedule on the way. Drawing class looks like it's going to be intense this year. The fruits of which will possibly come this way some time. In the meantime, one must make do with the current content of my files.
I am something of an amateur make-up artist. During a given evening, I will decide to turn my face into something completely random and photograph it with my, sadly now broken, digital camera. Here is a sampling of some of the results:

Going Tribal.

The silent movie effect. Why so serious Puddin?

I have no idea.

Mrs. Lovette if you please Dearie

And Sweeney Todd to go with her.

Her royal Highness the Queen of Hearts

And continuing on the Wonderland theme we have the Cheshire Cat.

My version of the Little Tramp